Backed by Microsoft for Startups

Backed by Microsoft for Startups

Backed by Microsoft for Startups










Instantly summarize class notes, create flashcards, and generate quizzes with AI. Save hours on your next study session.

Instantly summarize class notes, create flashcards, and generate quizzes with your documents using AI. Save hours on your next study session.

10$ FREE for first 1000 users!10$ FREE for first 1000 users!
10$ FREE for first 1000 users!10$ FREE for first 1000 users!

Curated notes at your fingertips

Curated notes at your fingertips

Upload any lecture or document, and watch as our AI instantly distills key points into concise, easy-to-digest notes without missing out on important details.

Upload any lecture or document, and watch as our AI instantly distills key points into concise, easy-to-digest notes without missing out on important details.

Flashcards that evolve with your learning

Our AI analyzes your study material and learning patterns to create flashcards that adapt in real-time, challenging you with harder concepts and reinforcing weaker areas.

Quizzes that learn as you do

Our AI analyzes your study materials to create relevant, thought-provoking questions that go beyond simple recall. The questions evolve with your progress, to challenging you even more.

Flashcards that evolve with your learning

Our AI analyzes your study material and learning patterns to create flashcards that adapt in real-time, challenging you with harder concepts and reinforcing weaker areas.

Quizzes that learn as you do

Our AI analyzes your study materials to create relevant, thought-provoking questions that go beyond simple recall. The questions evolve with your progress, to challenging you even more.

10$ FREE for first 1000 users!10$ FREE for first 1000 users!


For individuals just getting started with AI-powered learning.



1 dedicated workflow to organize

your content

10 messages per day with the

AI co-pilot

Upload up to 5 files

Create up to 3 flashcard sets

Create up to 3 quiz sets

Get Started


For individuals to fast-track and maximize their learning.


$10 $0


Everything in Free, and…

Unlimited dedicated workflow to

organize your content

Unlimited messages per day with

the AI co-pilot

Upload Unlimited files of up to

50 MB

Unlimited flashcard sets

Unlimited quiz sets

Get Started


For large organizations looking to enable AI for their students or workforce.

Flexible pricing

Everything in Pro, and…

Custom pricing with volume


SAML single sign-on (SSO)

HIPAA compliance

Advanced security

Get Started

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